A Reflection from Movie Inside Out 2: The Downsight of Positivity

 I have a lot to mention about Inside Out 2 movie. But the first thing yang I nak mention adalah hal yang jarang and in fact tak pernah nampak lagi discussion on this topic, which is the downsight of Joy.

I'd say, Joy and Anxiety adalah dua watak yang loud. But secara mudahnya, kita nampak seakan-akan Anxiety adalah watak yang jahat dan Joy adalah watak yang baik. But after all, semua emotions tu sebenarnya nak help us. They just want to protect us. 

Dari Inside Out 1, Joy nak protect Riley from Sadness. Cause she thought Sadness is bad for Riley. But actually, I can see Sadness adalah watak yang baik sebenarnya. Remember how crying comfort Bingbong and actually bagi semangat untuk Bingbong teruskan perjalanan mereka waktu Joy fikir Sadness buat hal lagi, buat orang sedih? 

From that kita boleh faham kita perlukan rasa sedih untuk rationalize our mind and soul, and to get back on our foot again. 

And did you see how many mistakes Joy buat waktu Inside Out 1 just to make Riley a better person? And she actually did it again on Inside Out 2 where dia cuma simpan memori yang baik je dekat believe system, saying "I'm a good person." Which akhirnya dia juga yang decide untuk bomkan all of the 'bad memories' yang akhirnya masuk ke dalam believe system semula. 

All I can say is, actions yang lead by the feeling of Joy tu sebenarnya agak bahaya. Dan kalau pernah dengar, ada yang pernah nasihat untuk jangan berjanji ketika tengah bahagia. Cause you might not think about precautions when you are deciding during you feel Joy.

I had a simple contoh that happen to me, which I tengah dengar lagu pop yang I suka, while looking at the mirror and then terfikir, 'Dah lama tak potong rambut.' Like it's been two years kot. Cause last time I was so stressed out and I mintak my rumet waktu tu potongkan rambut I and we did cut till very pendek. So the two years gap tu adalah waktu I grow up my hair again, and it finally panjang.

And guess what? Waktu still happy with the music, I potong my hair and I feel like I should stop but I was like, ah potong jelah lagi. Ah ok je lagi ni. Sampai sangat pendek like lagi pendek from where I last potong kot. And I freak out but I potong jugak lagi HAHAHA till I tutup lagu then tengok balik, baru nak freak out again. But it's too late. Dah tak boleh patah balik so yeah.

Dari kecil kita nampak being happy is the best part of life, to be a happy-go-lucky person, how positive and good if life is full of happiness. Tapi kita jarang dengar pasal a good sad-ending story. Even cerita fairytales pun kebanyakan end with happy-ever-after. Well, it's just a tales kan but yeah. How many appreciate the times they feel sorrow as much as they appreciate joyful events? 

Not much, I think.

So, I hope later we can embrace more feelings and treat our other feelings as much as how we appreciate the Joy. Like sometimes we need to feel sad, angry, fear, and all. Our emotions are the one that shapes us. Means how we react to problems in our life. They may not be able to decide who we are, but they are the ones that made our life better :)


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