Aku dan Menulis

 To be honest, it's been a long time blog ni berhabuk. Setahun dua tiga update je HAHA. But I mostly now share my writings and thoughts dekat Instagram Story. Cause it's easier. 

Until this one girl follow dekat my IG and said she loves my blog and follow my IG sebab she read my blog? Like?? Unbelievable?? 

I mean memang I letak dekat my IG caption link untuk blog ni but that is just to remind me, I got this blog and it is actually a lot for me. Blog yang ditulis dari zaman sekolah menengah kot hahah. Tapi mostly I dah letak posting yang tah pape tu as draft HAHA. But still, ada words from my little self yang I think deserve to stay. Walaupun macam kelakar my style of typing and all but whatever~ LOL. Itulah the little me HAHAHA.

I mean I was thinking maybe I should edit the entry tapi, entah. I think it's an art HAHAHA so I just let that. 

So this post maybe nothing much but to remind us, that kita semua ada kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Also teringat dalam satu majlis Kultus Kata with Dr Zul Azlin, where the host (Kak Faz) dan Dr Zul both agreeing bila kita bahagia ni, kita akan lebih kurang menulis. 

I mean, I've been there too. Ada masa yang aku feel whole with my life, but ada benda yang feel like missing. Itu adalah masa yang membuatkan aku cuba untuk menulis semula. Start with IG Story la. Writing has been my long-lost partner. HAHA boleh ke macam tu?

Tapi aku cuba fikir balik, adakah aku tak happy waktu aku aktif menulis dekat Telegram Channel tu? (I'm so sorry for the audience sebab now memang aku dah lama hilang dari situ hoho) Anyway, the answer is, I do feel happy jugak waktu tu, but I manage to write cause I read a lot and travel a lot and yeah, communicating with people too. Dan itu adalah things yang made me ada a lot of thoughts and write everything.

And I noticed, my little writings actually able to make people's day. Ha, betul ke ayat tu? Tahla. I don't care but ada yang terhibur, ada yang mendapat manfaat, so I think it is good to write again, right? Yeah.

So for that girl that told me; "Do not stop writing", Thank you. Sometimes we just need that one little thing, little word from stranger cause it actually makes me believe, something that maybe I thought I lost it, is actually still there. Cuma kita yang perlu gali dan cari. So, thank you, again :)

Here a photo of me waktu solo travel ke Indonesia, maybe I will write about it one day.


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