The Eyes See What The Heart Sees

Have you ever fall in love with someone, and everything that person does, it feels like, “Yeah that is great!” Like, most of the things that person did is right and any bad images of the person is not true.

While if you hate someone, no matter how right their behavior is, they will still looks wrong somehow..

Hence, the eyes see what the heart sees.

Kalau kau dengan semberononya menyukai atau membenci seseorang, no matter what, their behavior pasti terlihat berbeza. You can always find a reason to hate or to keep the love for that person.

Sebab itu dalam Islam kita diajar untuk bersederhana. Sederhana dalam membenci atau menyukai seseorang. Kerana setiap insan pasti akan terbuat silap. Tiada yang sempurna.

Dan setiap insan juga pasti ada walau sekecil mana pun kebaikan padanya.

Just a simple reminder to not hare or love someone blindly.



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